The adorable little mini montza I'm playing with today is Mini Frankenstein! Things I've learnt since colouring him last time is many, not that I'm not in love with my previous card, but there been a few improvments. His screws got som rust on them, his clothes got deeper creases, his forehead is bigger and he got a little nose! I also tried a new colour combination with his skin, I really love it but it was little bit hard to get the right blend, but nothing the tip to tip method couldn't handle.

Skin: BG90, YG61, YG63, YG67
Screws: W0, W2, W4, E04, E07
Eyes: R14, E07, R35, R59, B63(shading the whites)
Shirt: E40, E41, E42, E43
Jacket & Pants: E43, E44, E47, E49
Hair: W4, W6, W8, W10
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Your colouring is amazing. I'm working my way through all of your videos and I'm envious of how perfect you cut your pictures out. Which scissors do you use?
ReplyDeleteThank you! I use the Cutter Bee Scissors by Ek Success :) They have really thin blades and makes an easy cut :)